Drinking craft beer in Tallinn

Drinking craft beer in Tallinn

The craft beer scene in Tallinn is alive, well and worth a sample!

The most obvious place to try out Estonian beers and to sample beers from around the world is in Pudel Baar in the Telliskivi Creative City, in the Kalamaja area of the city.

This laid back, relaxing small bar has a great range of different beers and a good method for choosing your perfect beer – a flowchart on the wall leads you through to a beer choice, based on musical and film preferences. I went for light IPA, while James as ever went for something a bit darker.

Away from the specialist craft beer bar, we also managed to find good beers on the menus in the restaurants around town.

At the very tasty Vegan restaurant, we were pleased to find local Pohjala and Verner Hele on the menu (to sip alongside our delicious beetroot ravioli).

And at F-Hoone – a restaurant back in the Telliskivi Creative City – James found a tasty Icelandic porter,by Einstok, as well as another beer from the Pohjala brewery.

We were pleased to find such a great selection in Tallinn’s restaurants, but we also wanted to take a beery souvenir back to London with us. This is where ‘Sip’ came in. Near Telliskivi, we wandered in this bottle shop to find a very informative salesman, who talked us through all the beers on sale and told us more about the local breweries. We were happy to come away with a small selection that we later enjoyed, back home.

Have you been to Tallinn? Did you try any of the local beers? What was your favourite?

Pudel Baar – Telliskivi 60a, 10412 Tallinn
Vegan Restoran V – Rataskaevu 10, 10130 Tallinn
F-Hoone – Telliskivi 60, 10412 Tallinn
Sip veini- ja õllepood – Telliskivi 62, 10412 Tallinn

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